Gyms = 'Broken Mirror Syndrome'
By Ben H., Founder - Newtown Fitness Club
I came across this video with Will Smith talking about self-esteem the other day, and I found his analogy to describe my feelings every time I used to walk into a crowded gym.
I played sports in High School, knew my way around the weight room, but for some reason in a traditional gym atmosphere I always felt like I was being critiqued, or put in a particular bucket by other members of the gym. It was always very uncomfortable, and extremely unsettling having tons of people around while I was attempting to exercise.
Problem 1 - Fit a bucket.
At traditional gyms it is pretty clear to see cliques, or buckets, forming around particular equipment. You got the gym-bros doing the big 3 lifts around the barbell stations. You got the cardio people taking up the good treadmills, bikes and rowers. You got the HIIT people with the jump box and jump rope taking up a ton of the open floor space and flinging balls against the wall.
Problem 2 - Competing.
It is apparent that I am a competitive person, but this is disastrous in a traditional gym. I would often find myself attempting to lift what other people were lifting to “save face” and injuring myself. I would often load up much more than I should have been in order to “prove myself” to others in the gym… even though likely nobody cared anyways. My ego needed to be satisfied to attempt to show my worth.
Problem 3 - Embarrassment.
About 5 years ago I started going to the gym again. I was in my early 30s and completely out of shape. I solicited a personal trainer at the local gym I belonged to and started a 10 session training regimen. It was the single most disturbing experiences of my life. I was made to do beginner movements in a crowded room of people slinging weights in cut-off shirts bro-ing out. How embarrassing. After 5 of the 10 sessions I gave up and didn’t go back to the gym for a whole year.
Solution - Fix the Mirror
As Will Smith said in that video, taking other people’s opinions (or even what you perceive those opinions are) and basing your self-esteem on it is like looking in a broken mirror and changing yourself to look good in that broken mirror.
My traditional gym journey was loused with adjustments to make myself look better in the broken mirror until I started Newtown Fitness Club. Having a private space, to yourself, to do what is right for yourself without other people’s opinions, real or perceived, is revolutionary. I am finally in a place where I feel good about myself and where I am with my relationship to fitness.
If you have not tried Newtown Fitness Club yet, give us a try. You will love our great equipment and private spaces across Staunton and Charlottesville VA. Below is a list of the equipment you will find in our spaces:
- Barbells:
- Trap Bar; Football Bar; Axel Bar; EZ Curl Bar; Dynabody Power Bars; Rogue Ohio Bars
- Cardio:
- Nordic Track Treadmills, Spin Bikes and Rowing Machines
- Racks
- Power Systems, Rogue Monster Racks, Rogue West Side Bench, Dynabody Racks
- Weights
- Rogue Bumper Plates, York Steel Plates, Power Systems Steel Plates